Unite program

In August 2016 a letter to the Airmen titled, “The Beating Heart of the Air Force…Squadrons!” was established as an activity-rich program that would equip empowered Squadron/Unit commanders with options to facilitate unit cohesion. Unite provides Commanders with funding to initiate programs that will benefit all Airmen in their unit. This includes assigned Active Duty and APF/NAF Civilians.

Bldg. 347

Community Cohesion Coordinator, Bobby Padia
DSN: 847-9083
Comm: 720.847.9083

Community Cohesion Coordinator, Bobby Padia

CY24 Allocations

$5/person NAF Food and beverage expenses (No Alcohol)
$15/person APF Recreational expenses

Funding is available for all Active Duty Air Force, Air Force Reserves, GS & NAF Civilian Employees assigned to a Squadron.

*Funds are not currently authorized for Contractors. Family members and others can participate but Unite funding is not provided.

Recreation Funds (APF)

May be used on equipment rentals, program supplies, decorations*, and entertainment.
*Cannot exceed 10% of event cost.

Unauthorized Events

  • Holiday parties
  • End of year events
  • Balls or banquets
  • Dining in/Dining outs
  • Squadron trainings or meetings
  • Base wide special events
  • Movies, concerts, mystery theater, or amusement parks

Food & Beverage Funds (NAF)

May be used on equipment rentals, program supplies, decorations*, and entertainment.
*Cannot exceed 10% of event cost.

Unauthorized Events

  • Holiday parties
  • End of year events
  • Balls or banquets
  • Dining in/Dining outs
  • Squadron trainings or meetings
  • Base wide special events
  • Movies, concerts, mystery theater, or amusement parks


Your C3 will make payments on your behalf. Do not prepay yourself.

Contact the Unite Program Manager prior to contacting an off-base vendor.

Unite funds cannot be used for holiday parties, transportation, prizes or alcohol. Funds cannot be combined with SM&W funds but private org funds may be used. Squadrons are responsible for expenses that exceed the allocated amount.

Activity and food funds are based on a calendar year and will expire on or about December 15.

RTE Programs

The Unite Program Manager has pre-negotiated prices for you!

Mobile Team Challenge

Fun, team-building activities will test your problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and communication skills!

Fun Run

Get blasted with color, chased by zombies, or attacked by villains in a themed 5k this summer!

**More RTE programs are available through your C3**

Types of Events

Ready to Executé (RTE)

RTE programs are pre-approved and easy to implement. They keep funds on the installation and should be considered first. Options below.

Unit Driven

You have the freedom to design an event unique to your squadron on or off of the installation. Unit driven events require your Commander’s signature and approval from the AF Services Activity which may take up to 30 days.

Volunteer Events

Free & volunteer events are automatically approved.

Hosting Your First Unite Event

  • 1. Complete the POC Appointment Letter:
    Squadron Commanders, please complete the APPOINTMENT LETTER and email it to thi.bui.2@spaceforce.mil
  • 2. Event Proposal:
    Come up with an event, gather price info, and fill out an event proposal form. Send it to your C3 for review. Please submit 2 weeks prior to the event date.
  • 3. Approval:
    Your C3 will submit your event plan to the AFSVC agency.
    Enjoy Your Event! Take lots of pictures, enjoy the comradery!
  • 4. Submit After Action Report:
    After the event, your C3 will send you an after action report. Fill it out and send your C3 the great pictures you took.